SLHTA’s Tourism Enhancement Fund Donates $27,000 to Dominica
SLHTA Support for Kalinago People of Dominica
Support for our colleagues goes beyond the St Lucia boundaries and that is evident in our support for Dominica!Thanks to the Tourism Enhancement Fund & Our Kind Visitors/Guests who contribute to the Fund.
Posted by Saint Lucia Hotel & Tourism Association – SLHTA on Monday, May 28, 2018
On Wednesday 14th October 2015, the SLHTA presented a cheque for $27,000 to Mr. Ross Stevenson a representative of the Caribbean Hotel And Tourism Association (CHTA) to be transferred to the Dominica Hotel and Tourism Association (DHTA) for disaster relief efforts in Dominica.
Last month Karolin Troubetzkoy, President Elect of the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association, rallied support from a number of hotels across the region to pledge room nights which are being auctioned to raise revenue which will do directly towards a disaster relief fund managed by the CHTA and the Dominica Hotel and Tourism Association to aid victims of the storm ravaged island. The $27,000 cash donation comes from the Saint Lucia Tourism Enhancement Fund and will be added to the revenue raised from the room auctions.
According to St Lucia News Online “Reports of deaths, major landslides and flooding are coming out of Dominica as Tropical Storm Erika blasted the island for several hours.”
“Unofficial reports are that at least four persons are dead and several others are missing.
Images coming out of Dominica show houses being washed away, and motor vehicles and buildings under water.”